Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World? Dylan’s Dagstuhl Trip Report

Dylan Van Assche’s trip report on the “Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World? Challenges and Perspective” Dagstuhl Seminar of Ferbruary 2024

Months ago I received an invite for a Dagstuhl Seminar ‘Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World? Challenges and Perspective’ to represent my research group KNoWS at the seminar. This was an amazing opportunity for KNoWS to contribute to the research domain of Knowledge Graphs. Dagstuhl Seminars are a way to interact with experts from other universities in a relaxed manner and can work intensively on specific topics in groups. This way, a lot of topics quickly move forward because you have the right people and their expertise, all in the same place! This seminar was organized by David Chaves-Fraga, Oscar Corcho, Anastasia Dimou, and Maria-Ester Vidal.


During the first day, the organizers introduced the seminar and several groups were formed to work on various topics to bring Knowledge Graphs (KG) into the real world:

  1. KG Construction & Quality: construction of KGs, evaluating data quality inside KGs, user involvement.
  2. Federated Semantic Data Management: federation between KGs regarding querying, access control.
  3. Enhance Machine Learning: empowering Large Language Models (LLMs) with KGs.
  4. Knowledge Engineering: focus on education around knowledge, KGs, etc.
  5. Project KG Management: best practices for KG construction, maintenance, etc. inside projects.

Within our KNoWS team, we have a keen interest in KG construction, federated querying and access control and Knowledge engineering. During the week, I was mostly active in the KG Construction & Quality group because I am involved daily in KG construction research and wanted to get more expertise from the other participants.

Users or should I say people?

During the first days of the seminar, several times participants highlighted that they should involve users or better say people into the process of creating, consuming, and refining a KG. We have spent a lot of time already on the technical part of KGs, but not so much on the social aspect which blocks the adoption of KGs in industry and among developers. We agree that investing in training, books, workshops, and involving non-experts is key for adoption of KGs.

LLMs cannot be ignored

With the introduction of LLMs e.g., ChatGPT, a lot of things were suddenly solved, the hype was real. Nowadays, people seem to realise that LLMs also have their limitations, such as hallucinations. They are actively looking for a way to reduce these hallucinations. Instead of pushing LLMs away, we as the community should rather embrace them because KGs can provide the necessary semantic descriptions to improve the LLMs’ accuracy, thus reducing their hallucinations.

KG lifecycle & ecosystem

Involving the people into the process, puts us on a path of defining properly what the lifecycle and ecosystem is of a KG. Once we have this defined, we know in which parts of the process we should involve certain people. For example: domain experts for modeling the KG’s ontology happens at the beginning of the process, but they are also needed to audit the KG’s results.

Main take-aways

Some main take-aways I gathered during this seminar for KGs:

  1. LLMs & KGs: LLMs were all over the place in the seminar, since the launch of ChatGPT you cannot ignore them anymore. Luckily, there’s still a good opportunity for KGs given that LLMs suffer from hallucinations. KGs provide the semantic structure to LLMs which they desperately need to increase their accuracy.
  2. KG lifecycle needs users: We need to involve users way more into the KG lifecycle from construction until consumption. Users can provide so much vital information regarding the domain modeled in the KG, the data quality, etc.
  3. Workflow & best practices: All of the people at the seminar are constructing, using, modifying KGs, but we still haven’t written down a good workflow and its corresponding best practices.

What’s next?

Within KNoWS we will follow up the discussions from this Dagstuhl Seminar during the next coming months to write the Dagstuhl Seminar’s report. We are already planning a publication around the KG ecosystem and lifecycle, together with other participants in the seminar, stay tuned! If you want to collaborate on any of these topics, feel free to reach out to us! You can contact me (Dylan Van Assche - or any of my PhD advisors (Pieter Colpaert - and Anastasia Dimou -

Published on 2024-02-20