KNoWS at ISWC 2023

The 2023 edition of International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is taking place from the 6th till the 10th of November in Athens, Greece. Some of our team will also be attending to present our papers and talk about our research.

Who is attending

You will spot the following faces in the ISWC crowd or on stage.

Arthur Vercruysse

PhD Student

Bryan-Elliott Tam

PhD Student

Maarten Vandenbrande

PhD Student

Sitt Min Oo

PhD Student

Sandeep Ramachandra

PhD Student

Tom Windels

PhD Student

Dylan Van Assche

Postdoctoral Researcher

Julián Rojas Meléndez

Postdoctoral Researcher

Wout Slabbinck

PhD Student

Ruben Eschauzier

PhD Student

Ruben Taelman

Post-doctoral Web Researcher



A Rule-Based Software Agent on Top of Personal Data Stores
by Wout Slabbinck, Ruben Dedecker, Julián Rojas Meléndez, Ruben Verborgh

How Does the Link Queue Evolve during Traversal-Based Query Processing?
by Ruben Eschauzier, Ruben Taelman, Ruben Verborgh

LDESTS: Enabling efficient storage and querying of large volumes of time series data on Solid pods
by Tom Windels, Wout Slabbinck, Pieter Bonte, Stijn Verstichel, Pieter Colpaert, Sofie Van Hoecke, Femke Ongenae

LDkit: Linked Data Object Graph Mapping toolkit for Web Applications
by Karel Klíma, Ruben Taelman, Martin Nečaský

The Need for Better RDF Archiving Benchmarks
by Olivier Pelgrin, Ruben Taelman, Luis Galárraga, Katja Hose

Towards Algebraic Mapping Operators for Knowledge Graph Construction
by Sitt Min Oo, Ben De Meester, Ruben Taelman, Pieter Colpaert

Tree Visualization of Patient Information for Explainability of AI Outputs
by Sandeep Ramachandra, David Vander Mijnsbrugge, Pieter-Jan Lammertyn, Stijn Dupulthys, Femke Ongenae, Sofie Van Hoecke

YARRRML + LDES: Simultaneously Lowering Complexity from Knowledge Graph Generation and Publication
by Gerald Haesendonck, Ben De Meester, Julián Rojas Meléndez, Dylan Van Assche, Pieter Colpaert

Published on 2023-10-30